Mise à jour : 09 Août 2023


·       Equipe scientifique Association Nationale Surf Santé 

·       A. Fleury · J.D. Lafitte · C. Monchaux · F. Bauduer, Évolution anthropométrique et physiologique des surfeurs de haut niveau. Recherche de paramètres associés à la performance, BMSAP Volume 31, Numéro 3-4, Octobre 2019, https://bit.ly/3vMcbX2    

·       Alberto Mendez-Villanueava, David Bishop, Physological Aspects of Surfboard Riding Performance, sports Medecine 35, 55-70 (2005) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15651913/

·       Armitano, C., Clapham, E., Lamont, L., & Audette, J, (2015), Benefits of Surfing for Children with Disabilities: A Pilot Study, Palaestra, 29, 29-34. 

·       Barucq Guillaume, Surf Thérapie - Se soigner au contact de l'Océan, Surf Prévention, 2014

·       Barucq Guillaume, Detoxseafication- Notre Corps est un Océan, Surf Prévention, 2018

·       Benninger, E., Curtis, C., Sarkisian, G.V., Rogers, C., Bender, K., & Comer, M. (2020), Surf therapy: A scoping review of the qualitative and quantitative research evidence, Special Issue of Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice on Surf Therapy.

·       Ben Schram, Wayne Hing, Mike Climstein, The physiological, musculoskeletal and psychological effects of stand up paddle boarding, BMC Sports Science Medicine and Rehabilitation 8(1), Oct 2016 https://bit.ly/3A4WooH 

·       Britton, E., Kindermann, G., Domegan, C. & Carlin, C. (2018), Blue care: a systematic review of blue space interventions for health and wellbeing, Health Promotion International, 1-20. doi: 10.1093/heapro/day103

·       Caddick, N., Smith, B., & Phoenix, C. (2015), The Effects of Surfing and the Natural Environment on the Well-Being of Combat Veterans,Qualitative Health Research, 25(1), 76-86. doi:10.1177/1049732314549477

·       Cameron J. Drake,Michael Keith, Madeleine R. Dober Subhadra Evans, Lisa S. Olive, Therapeutic benefits and barriers of a surf therapy intervention for youth mental health, 2021 Jun;59:102713. doi: 10.1016/j.ctim.2021.102713. Epub 2021 Mar 20. https://bit.ly/3QmoroM 

·       Cory J. Greever, Kaden K.L. Groseclose, April L. Denny and Danielle C. Jones, Aerobic Fitness Markers Associated with Post-Paddling Breath-hold Capacity in Competitive Surfers, International Journal of Exercise Science 12(6): 366-373, 2019 https://bit.ly/3QuIXE3 

·       Devine-Wright, H. & Godfrey, C. (2020), The Wave Project: Evidencing surf therapy for young people in the UK, Special Issue of Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice on Surf Therapy https://bit.ly/3vNTt11 

·       Emily D. Clapham, Linda S. Lamont, Minsuk K. Shim, Shabnam Lateef, Courtney N. Armitano, Effectiveness of Sur eness of Surf Therapy for Childr y for Children with Disabilities, Disabil Health J. 2020 Jan;13(1):100828 doi: 10.1016/j.dhjo.2019.100828. Epub 2019 Aug 2. https://bit.ly/3bG7F5t 

·       Godfrey, C., Devine-Wright, H., & Taylor, J. (2015), The positive impact of structured surfing courses on the wellbeing of vulnerable young people.(Professional and research), Community Practitioner, 88(1), 26

·       Marshall, J., Ferrier, B., Ward, P.B., & Martindale, R. (2020), “I feel happy when I surf because it takes stress from my mind”: An Initial Exploration of Program Theory within Waves for Change Surf Therapy in Post-Conflict Liberia,Journal of Sport for Development https://bit.ly/3bH42MM 

·       Otis, N. P., Walter, K. H., Glassman, L. H., Ray, T. N., Michalewicz-Kragh, B., & Thomsen, C. J. (2020), Effects of PTSD and MDD comorbidity on psychological changes during surf therapy sessions for active duty service members, Special Issue of Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice on Surf Therapy https://bit.ly/3Q8NVqd 

·       Olivier Farley, Nigel K Harris, Andrew E. Kilding, Anaerobic and aerobic fitness profiling of competitive surfers, J Strength Cond Res. 2012 Aug;26(8):2243-8 https://bit.ly/3Qa5J4j 

·       Walter K.H, Otis N.P, Ray T.N, Glassman L.H, Michalewicz-Kragh B, Powell A.L, Thomsen C.J, Breaking the surface: Psychological outcomes among U.S. active duty service members following a surf therapy program, Psychology of Sport and Exercise  2019 Vol.45 pp.101551 ref.41 

·       Rudi A. Meir. Bian J. Lowdon and Allan J. Davie Spott, Heart Rates and Estimated Energy Expenditure During Recreational Surfing, Australian Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, 23(3):70-74, 1991 https://bit.ly/3BQjIrA 

·       Kristen H. Walter, Nicholas P. Otisa, Lisa H. Glassmana,Travis N. Raya,Betty Michalewicz-Kraghc,Kim T. Kobayashi Elliottc,Cynthia J. Thomsen, Comparison of surf and hike therapy for Army people with major depressive disorder, Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications Volume 16 December 2019, 100435 https://bit.ly/3A2HP56 

·       Matthew John Barlow, Karen Gresty,Malcolm Findlay, Carlton Cooke, Mark Davidson, The effect of wave conditions and surfer ability on performance and the physiological response of recreational surfers, J Strength Cond Res. 2014 Oct;28(10):2946-53. doi: 10.1519/JSC.0000000000000491 https://bit.ly/3bDR0zu 

·       Ryan Pittsinger, Jeff Kress, Jill Crusemeyer, The effect of a single bout of surfing on exercise-induced affect, Int J Exerc Sci. 2017 Nov 1;10(7):989-999. eCollection 2017 https://bit.ly/3P86YQf 

·       Martin Frank, Shi Zhou, Pedro Bezerra, Zachary Crowley, Effect of long-term recreational surfing on control of force and posture in olders surfers, J Exerc Sci Fit, Vol 7 n°1, 31-38 2009 https://bit.ly/3JE5PhV 

·       Mike Climstein, Zachary Pollard, James Furness, Joe Walsh, Chris McLellan, Effects of Long-Term Surfing on Bone Health in Mature-Aged Males, International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education 9(1), February 2015 https://bit.ly/3bFFuDM 

·       Volschenk, Wynand; Crowley-McHattan, Zachary J.; Whitting, John W.; Meir, Rudi A.; and McKenzie, Alec K. (2021) "Surfboard Paddling Technique and Neuromechanical Control: A Narrative Review," International Journal of Aquatic Research and Education: Vol. 13: No. 2, Article 3. 

·       Joseph Coyne, Tai T Tran, Josh L Secomb, Lina E Lundgren, Maximal strength training improves surfboards Sprint and endurance paddling performance in competitive and recreational surfers,J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Jan;31(1):244-253.https://bit.ly/3d829Jb 

·       Pasanen, TP; White, MP; Wheeler, BW; et al, Neighbourhood blue space, health and wellbeing: The mediating role of different types of physical activity, Environment International 131, July 2019 https://bit.ly/3bDtqTv 

·       Oliver R.L. Farley, Chris R. Abbiss, Jeremy M. Sheppard, Performance analysis of surfing : a review, J Strength Cond Res. 2017 Jan;31(1):260-271 https://bit.ly/3QmoRvm 

·       Vini Simas, Wayne A Hing, Evelyne Rathbone, Rodney Pope,Belinda R Beck, and Mike Climstein, Bone health of middle-aged and older surfers, Open Access J Sports Med. 2019 Sep 6;10:123-132. doi: 10.2147/OAJSM.S209043. eCollection 2019 https://bit.ly/3vJ3BrN 

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